Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Proportional Symbol Map...

Single? Maybe you should check this out...

I think the legend they used on this map is kind of cool. Anyway, the Strange Maps blog comes through for me again...I love that site.

Lab 7...Moo Moo

Here is my Lab 7, proportional symbol map.


Choropleth map...

I forgot that we were supposed to post up an example of a choropleth map to our blogs, so here it is...

No, I'm not Mormon (not that there's anything wrong with that), but I thought this was a good example of how a Choropleth map can really convey the geographic pattern of a topic being studied. It's easy to tell by looking at the map, that most of the Latter-Day Saints reside in the region around Utah (no suprises there). The map is one of a series of maps showing where different religions are largely located around the country. I think they are all solid, good quality choropleth maps. Heres the link...


Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Lab 4 - Harpers Ferry...

Now that wasn't so hard was it...