Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Use of Fonts...

Its amazing what Google can find if you just type in exactly what your looking for...say "maps with odd fonts."

This "map" I think is a great example for a map with good use of fonts. Though its not mapping locations or spatial data or whatever, I think it's clever the way the fonts sort of portray or reflect the subjects. Language is in sort of a calligraphic font. The Arts looks like someone could have just written it by hand with a marker. Technology is a more mordern, simple, cleaner cut, style font. So yeah.

This other map I got off the Strange Maps blog. I hate baseball but its another interesting way to use fonts in that each "country" is labeled with the logo font for each baseball team.

"Strange Maps" Blog

Hey all, I came across this blog called "Strange Maps" which has a lot of cool different maps old and new on all different subjects. Just thought it was kind of cool, if you haven't seen it before you might want to check it out... I added it to my links.


August's Conformal Projection of the Sphere on a Two-Cusped Epicycloid...

Yeaahhh...what this guy says...

And heres the home page...

Earth as a Geoid...

This is more related to our second lab but I thought it was really cool. It's sort of a 3-D image of the Earth as a geoid...

Heres the link to the website that I found it at, click on the link under "The Earth"...

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Because I can...

Even old New York, was once New Amsterdam...

Why they changed it I cant say, people just liked it better that way!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Lab 3...

Mollweide Graticule...

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Friday, September 7, 2007

Links thus far...

The links I have posted as of now all should be relevant to class. Geography 310 Blog and GMU Dept of Geography are self explanatory.

GoogleEarth - GIS in its simplest form. If you don't have it on your computer yet you should. You can do all kinds of stuff with it. Look up your house, George Mason, the Egyptian Pyramids, New York City...whatever. Turn on and off different layers to show boundries, roadways, rivers, national parks...all kinds of stuff. Downside is some of the images are quite outdated. My house for example shows my dads old car sitting out front which he sold almost four years ago!

World Sunlight Map - Map of the globe which shows where on earth the sun is shining and where its night. Updated every hour...I think. I thought it was kind of cool at least.

World Maps - All kinds of different maps of places throughout the world. Should be good for finding maps for our weekly assignments.

Earth Album - GoogleEarth mashed up with Flickr. Click on a place on the globe and it shows you different pictures of or taken in the location you clicked on.

StumbleUpon - For those of you using Firefox this is a really cool extension. It's especially fun if your bored and have nothing else to do. You put in your different interests into your profile and then you can click on the stumble button. It takes you to different random websites other people have flagged who have the same interests as you. I chose geography as one of my interests and I've found all kinds of cool geography sites. World Sunlight Map, World Maps, and Earth Album I found using this tool. I came across another cool one that I forgot what it was but it was a real time map of the globe showing seismic activity throughout the world. Pretty cool.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Allow me to introduce myself...

Hey people, now that I've got my picture up I figure I should give a little info about myself before I actually start on the assignment posts. My name is Kevin, I'm 23 and I'm finally a senior! I'm a history and geography double major and no...I don't want to teach so don't ask me! I'm not sure exactly what I want to do after I graduate but hopefully I'll figure it out soon enough. My historical interest lie mostly in 20th century world history, with a particular interest in the Soviet Union and the Cold War. I'm also somewhat of a WWII "buff" if you will. I really enjoy traveling and learning about all different kinds of places. This past March I had the chance to visit Russia! My profile picture I took of myself just outside of Red Square. My favorite place I've been to so far is Vancouver, BC. I spend most of my free time doing the two things I love most...hanging out with my girlfriend or riding my mountain bike.

Me Picture...