Monday, November 19, 2007

Lab 10...aka...What happens when you sleep through your alarm and miss 95% of class...

Here is my Lab 10 Bivariate map. From the USDA's website of all places, I found data at North Carolina's county level on poverty levels in each county and the level of education of each county.

Now that I've finished my map, I go back and look at the power point that I missed, and realize there are numerous problems with my map. First, the powerpoint says the data can be 2 different variables at the same point in time, or it can be 1 variable at 2 different points in time. Mine is two variables in two different points in time. At the end it also says that for this lab for a chorpleth proportional symbol map, use chorpleth for one variable (standardized data and proportional symbol for raw data. Mine didn't quite follow that I don't think...or did it? Also the spatial relationship patterns between the two variables turned out almost the opposite of what I was expecting/aiming for, I think because I used raw numbers instead of a percentage of each county's population for education levels. Thus the areas around Charlotte likely have larger symbols simply because theres more people there. I think had I done it by percentage of population it probably would have turned out different. Despite all this the Lab handout says...

"For this lab, the design will be key. Spend some time playing with the layout and positioning, eliminating white space, adding background fills and neatlines. Look for examples from printed maps, online maps (and any maps your classmates have found for the blog map posts). The map you turn in will be graded on aesthetics even more than the prior 9 labs…"

...and I think I did a pretty damn good job with that aspect regardless of my data flaws. So I'm just going to leave it as it is because this took long enough.

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